Reviews - Morphios
European Progressive Rock Reviews
Terry Tucker
Deep Thought come from Switzerland and this is their first CD which is mostly material from their previous tapes re- recorded with vocals. Having listened to Morphios, I believe that they have the potential to become big in the progressive rock field. Patrick Merz's voice is perfectly suited to this type of music and all the other ingredients are there and especially shine through on Grave, Silent Four and Inside The Dune, which are all instrumental. Grave starts off with guitar leading into early Camel/Caravan type keyboards. Silent Four again opens with guitar but this time followed by keyboards which have a hint of Mike Oldfield. This is a great track which builds up into quite a complex progressive/jazz mid section reminiscent of Alquin. Inside the Dune opens with drums and soon the guitar and keyboards take over producing some excellent progressive rock music. The album starts with the track Morphios which has a keyboard mid section which again reminds me of early Camel. The Land of the Never Ending Rain has touches of Final Conflict especially in the vocals and has a very complex progressive keyboard section. When the guitar is let loose on Waiting For the Darkness it is quite impressive. On track 9, Anything You Want, the band crank it up but unfortunately it comes across as a bit cliched and seems out of place on this album.
On two or three of the tracks the backing instruments could do with being a bit more powerful which should surface on their next album along with the added confidence they should gain over the next year or so. Fans of Final Conflict and early Camel should give this band a try.