Deep Thought

a progressive rock adventure


Deep Thought definitely hit the studio!


Deep Thought definitely hit the studio? Aren't they supposed to have completed their record by now? Shouldn't it be ready to be sold to the small but enthusiastic community of prog fans and all other people interested in music?

Well, actually we haven't reached that point yet. We preferred to first rejuvenate our rehearsing room and completely change it into a recording studio which allows us now to fully concentrate on the recording sessions and complete the album without any time pressure. We are convinced that by doing so we contributed a lot to the high quality of the new record as well.

Finally, everything is ready now and we are looking forward to recording our new album. When will it be released? Well, that's a good question... After having postponed the recording sessions for several months it is hard to announce the date of its release. Anyway, we will do our best to get things recorded as soon as possible - you won't have to wait for too long until our brand new record sees the light at the end of the tunnel!